
Awakening Wonder: Teaching Philosophy to Teens and Tweens in Texas


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Full course description

Thursday, February 20, 2025 |  Hybrid Lecture: 6:00-7:30PM (ET) 


Boston College (Room 100, Gasson Hall at Boston College, 140 Commonwealth Ave, Chestnut Hill, MA 02467) and Online Via Zoom 


This event is free to the public, please use the promotional code KATZ25 to register at no cost.

This event is $25 for practitioners seeking CEs for this lecture. As per the credentialing bodies, we can only grant CEs for synchronous attendance of events (online or in-person). Please pay and register for the lecture so that we may keep track of your attendance. Your CE registration status may not be changed after the event.


In this presentation, Dr. Claire Katz will present on the philosophy summer camp for teens and tweens that she developed at Texas A&M that embodies the educational values that are foundational to the humanities in general and to philosophy more specifically. Although Dr. Katz believes the camp has had a tremendous impact because philosophy is the content, she also believes that the specific pedagogical model that is used, founded on building a community of inquiry, is indispensable. Dr. Katz wilI share how the philosophy summer camp for teens and tweens represents the culmination of her 30+ years of teaching which was shaped by this pedagogy. Dr. Katz will embed a response as to “why a philosophy summer camp,” very briefly, within a larger discussion of the significance and meaningfulness of a philosophical education, for everyone—including, and maybe especially, those studying in the STEM fields. She will then link the impact of this kind of education to the experience of introducing philosophy to young people, through a philosophy summer camp.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Identify the historical forces that prevented philosophy from being taught in US K-12 schools.
  2. Describe the crucial role that developing a community of inquiry can play not only in philosophical education but also in education generally.
  3. Analyze the pedagogy of philosophy for children and its transferability to other educational sites.

Timeline and Requirements:

This lecture is presenter-led and is a hybrid experience. This will be conducted synchronously online and in person at Boston College (Room 100, Gasson Hall at Boston College, 140 Commonwealth Ave, Chestnut Hill, MA 02467) and Online via Zoom from 7:00-8:30PM (ET)

CE Sponsorship: 

Participants must attend the lecture in full and complete the post-event survey to be eligible to receive CEs. This lecture does not offer CEs for other clinicians not listed below.

University Counseling Services of Boston College is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. As a co-sponsor of this program, University Counseling Services of Boston College maintains responsibility for this program and its content. Participants will be eligible to receive 1.5 CE units from University Counseling Services of Boston College.

This program has been approved for 1.5 Social Work Continuing Education hours for relicensure, in accordance with 258 CMR. NASW-MA Chapter CE Approval Program Authorization Number D 93074.

CEs for LMHCs are not available for this lecture.

Fees & Policies:

This event is free if you are NOT seeking CEs towards your license. If you plan on seeking CEs for this lecture, the cost is $25. Once you have registered for the class, your CE registration status is fixed and can not be adjusted at a later time.  

Payment is due by credit card at registration. Registration closes February 20 at 6:15 pm. Refunds will be granted only up to the time of the lecture. 

This lecture is made possible through the support of Grant 62632 from the John Templeton Foundation. The opinions expressed by these presenters do not necessarily reflect the views of the John Templeton Foundation.

We strive to host inclusive, accessible events that enable all individuals to engage fully. If you need to request an accommodation or ask a question about accessibility, please contact

Additional offerings from the Lynch School Professional & Continuing Education Office can be found on our website

Conflict of Interest Notification

A potential conflict of interest, commercial support, and/or commercial interest applies to sponsoring organizations, the presenter, and the content of the presentation. Participants are advised that the presenter's books are listed on the promotional materials and will be referenced in the professional development. Thus, there are potential biases inherent in accepting inducements that might affect the selection of texts, the use of particular tests, and/or sponsorship of CE courses. During this program, Dr. Claire Katz will discuss the utility/validity of the content/approach offered as well as the limitations of the approach and the most common (and severe) risks, if any exist.


Claire Katz
is Professor of Philosophy and Education and Associate Provost for Faculty Advocacy at Texas A&M University, where she holds the title of Presidential Professor for Teaching Excellence. She has a Ph.D. in philosophy and an M.A.T. in the Philosophy for Children (P4C) program. Her research focuses on contemporary French philosophy, gender, education, and K-12 philosophical education. She has held the Liberal Arts Cornerstone Faculty Fellowship (Texas A&M 2011-2015) and a Copeland Fellowship (Amherst College 2011-12), and she is a 2022 Arts and Humanities Fellow. Her books include Levinas, Judaism, and the Feminine (Indiana, 2003), Levinas and the Crisis of Humanism (Indiana, 2013), and An Introduction to Modern Jewish Philosophy (IB Tauris, 2014). She is the founder of P4C Texas and the Aggie School of Athens Philosophy Summer Camp, launched in 2015, and is working on a manuscript, Unrepentant Women: Judaism, Gender, and the Limits of Forgiveness.